If you’re looking at HVAC schools in a  Southern California City like San Diego you should know a few things about the  Refrigeration School, Inc. in Phoenix, AZ.

Benefits of Learning Air Conditioning  and Electrical Maintenance at RSI

RSI has been educating HVAC technicians since 1965. Since we’re a well-established technical trade school, companies from around the nation hire RSI graduates because they know RSI offers a quality education. Additionally, our years of experience have led us to develop sophisticated teaching techniques, like our E-STAR system. The E-STAR diagnostic system is a way of training students to quickly identify and correct problems in a HVAC system. This is a vital tool in RSI’s hands-on training which gives RSI graduates an advantage in the industry.

Another excellent reason to attend RSI is for our career development services. This program helps graduates with their résumés,  assessing a career direction, and establishing a professional strategy. The best part about these services is that they are available for the graduate. This means that even if it has been years since you’ve graduated, you can still use RSI’s employment assistance to help you in your career goals.

A great thing about an education from RSI is that you can use it to get jobs in any part of the United States, from the west coast of California to the east coast of Maine. The hands-on training you receive at RSI will give you skills which are valued no matter where you are. This is the benefit of getting a quality education from an experienced school.

Finally, it is important to mention that RSI focuses completely on HVAC & electrical-mechanical maintenance. Because of this, all of RSI’s facilities and teachers are focused on HVAC maintenance and electrical wiring.

Contact RSI Today For More Information!

If you would like more information about RSI and the programs we offer, contact us today. Getting your mechanical maintenance education from RSI is a great way to start your new career as a HVAC technician.

RSI Is located in Phoenix Arizona but we welcome students from all over!

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